Saturday, December 19, 2020

Lohwand - the Tharkallan Emperors List - Part 1


List of Tharkallan Emperors, 
from year of Founding to Present.

Here I am borrowing heavily from Greg Stafford's Glorantha, modifying his Red Emperor list from The Fortunate Succession as the basis for my Tharkallan Emperors. This because I'm patterning my Tharkalla both on the Roman Empire and the Lunar Empire of Glorantha, though it is not the same as either.

So, I am also incorporating the notion that the Emperors can be reborn, though the how's and the why's of this will remain a mystery, at least for now. That is why the above list shows "First Incarnation", "First Rebirth", etc. 

The Emperor Argenteus is the presiding ruler, the current year being 605 AF. As you can see he has embarked on a campaign of expansion, with conquests in the west and to the south. 

Before Takenagi there are only tribal kings, Doskalos - also borrowed from The Fortunate Succession - being the last.  

Still a lot to work out. Like incorporating Sheng Seleris, another of Greg Stafford's creations. I think the story will follow along more or less like the Gloranthan original and hopefully will allow me to tie in my horse nomads. 

The life of an Emperor is a dangerous one, as the Roman Emperors certainly well knew! Dart competitions are also a Lunar Empire tradition, one I happen to quite like; they are clandestine wars between the Great Houses of the Empire. In a way the machinations of the Great Houses in the Dune novels is similar. I suppose the feuding between rival Samurai clans is also similar in many respects. 

In part 2 I'll try and expand upon the various Emperors. 

I might mention that my Dara Happa is also a Greg Stafford inspiration and I intend to use his Dara Happan Emperors List as well to flesh out my little campaign. I'm planning on linking my noble characters to the list, each family claiming descent from some mythic hero or emperor.

Edit: I noticed that I left out an Emperor from the list, and as I liked the name, I went back and mixed things up a bit so I could add him back in. And even as I type that I am now thinking: why did I assume that they are all male? And I'm thinking: Not! (I mean as the original Red Emperor in a Gloranthan context it made sense, but they are no longer in a Gloranthan context in this instance.) 

I'll fix this in part 2. :-)

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