Sunday, November 29, 2020

Lohwand: Umbar in Detail - Part 1


from Mommsen's "Römische Geschichte"
(as found on Wikipedia)

I've started to think in detail about Umbar, my proxy Carthage. Not just historical Carthage, of course, but also Tolkien's Corsairs of Umbar, and Moorcock's Sea Kings of the Purple Towns. Both the Isles of the Purple Towns and Umbar were founded by Dara Happa during its "Golden Age" but have long since won their independence. The Sea Kings of Menii are not actually subject to Umbar, but are more like close cousins.

Following Tony Bath's ideas from his Hyboria Campaign, as detailed in "How to Set up a Wargame's Campaign", I am starting my detailing by setting up some Noble families. I haven't divided up Umbar's holdings into provinces as of yet, but I have the names of the cities from my map, shown again below:

Umbarite Provinces and Cities, in blue

The principal provinces and cities shown are:

1) Umbar;
2) The Isles of the Purple Towns;
3) Menii;
4) Milii;
5) Uqbara;
6) Shekar;
7) Zoat;
8) Zuzzbur;
9) Bazzur;
10) The Isles of the Green Gables;
11) Azbar (on the Island of Cirith Ungol);
12) Aza Island (the small island south-west of Cirith Ungol);
13) Bakaz Island (the small island south-east of Cirith Ungol);
14) Menaz Island (in the Straits of Blades).

For each of those I need to come up with noble families and a hierarchy of command. My Umbar is ruled by an elected King, who rules for his life time or until impeached by the High Council. The High Council of Nobles forms a senate-like body that makes laws and enacts the will of the King. Beneath the "Primarchs" of the High Council are the Provincial Governors (called "Boetharchs") and beneath them are the Chief Magistrates (known as "Suffetes"). 

The King of Umbar
The High Council of Nobles
Provincial Governors 
Chief Magistrates

I haven't worked out all the details yet. What I have decided is that I need at least thirty family names, plus a table of given names, male and female, so that not all my characters are called "Hannibal"! This I have done, using Wikipedia, Tolkien and Moorcock as primary sources; also Chaosium's "Sea Kings of the Purple Towns" Stormbringer supplement; and finally just making some things up myself.

The following tables use a D66. That is, roll 1d6 followed by a second d6 to get a range between 1 and 36. Notice that there is only a 1 in 36 chance each of getting "Hannibal", "Hasdrubal", or "Barca"! ;-)

Table of Surnames (D66):

1/1) Gisgon;
1/2) Magon;
1/3) Barca;
1/4) Cabrala;
1/5) Barkeno;
1/6) Bagradas;

2/1) Gisco;
2/2) Machus;
2/3) Huss;
2/4) Bojador;
2/5) Mogador;
2/6) Kariss;

3/1) Karisan;
3/2) Edox;
3/3) Gestrani;
3/4) Lorkar;
3/5) Shascil;
3/6) Uthel;

4/1) Inkel;
4/2) Belrain;
4/3) Salkan;
4/4) Anguzz;
4/5) Kymar;
4/6) Killaraz;

5/1) Danit;
5/2) Telhak;
5/3) Temoraz;
5/4) Nazhan;
5/5) Agril-Maren;
5/6) Maren;

6/1) Zzar;
6/2) Telamar;
6/3) Bellaz;
6/4) Zorlas;
6/5) Zzolir;
6/6) Zork;

Table of First Names (Male) (D66):

1/1) Carthalo;
1/2) Melqar;
1/3) Adherbal;
1/4) Atarbas;
1/5) Gadir;
1/6) Mago;

2/1) Mattan;
2/2) Nolfo;
2/3) Fantar;
2/4) Penatar;
2/5) Hamilcar;
2/6) Hanno;

3/1) Gisgo;
3/2) Hasdrubal;
3/3) Hannibal;
3/4) Fazzur;
3/5) Khandive;
3/6) Manno;

4/1) Matho;
4/2) Bomilcar;
4/3) Navaras;
4/4) Suniatus;
4/5) Timoleon;
4/6) Gersakkun;

5/1) Himilco;
5/2) Phameas;
5/3) Marhabal;
5/4) Eldacar;
5/5) Castamir;
5/6) Calimentar;

6/1) Romendacil;
6/2) Orendil;
6/3) Zzabur;
6/4) Smiorgan;
6/5) Orgon;
6/6) Kargan;

Table of First Names (Female) (D66):

1/1) Dido; 
1/2) Alyssa;
1/3) Elissa; 
1/4) Della; 
1/5) Salammbo; 
1/6) Sophonisba;

2/1) Salome;
2/2) Sunna;
2/3) Menna;
2/4) Navia;
2/5) Mara;
2/6) Calla;

3/1) Dida;
3/2) Narisba;
3/3) Gada;
3/4) Gallas;
3/5) Gaya;
3/6) Hara;

4/1) Harissa;
4/2) Gayssa;
4/3) Galissa;
4/4) Harome;
4/5) Didara;
4/6) Kaya;

5/1) Kalissa;
5/2) Kalyssa;
5/3) Nayenna;
5/4) Nayella;
5/5) Nanba;
5/6) Islamora;

6/1) Berka;
6/2) Amaree;
6/3) Karina;
6/4) Makavee;
6/5) Osolly;
6/6) Samarda;

Nest Step: Work out those family trees!

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Lohwand: The Merchant Princes of Umbar


Umbar (in blue)

Umbar is my proxy nation for Carthage and my geography roughly parallels the historic situation, though I have changed it a little. I don't have a "Sardinia", for example. And I've given Umbar more territories on the eastern borders of Tharkalla, which is my proxy Rome. 

My "Romans" are Early Imperial, with a dash of Late Imperial mixed in, so there is that difference as well. And I've got fantasy elements as well. More than Tony Bath had in his Hyboria campaign but things have move on from then a bit. :-)

Shem and Zingara are my Iberian proxies, Cirith Ungol is becoming a bit like Sicily, but is not under Tharkallan ("Roman") control. The Isles of the Green Gables are my Balearic Isles, sort of - they exist because a friend was mocking my wholesale stealing of names from a wide swathe of fantasy books and made some comment to the effect I was missing "Anne of the Green Gables", so I put them in!

The Tharkallan cities with the blue borders to the symbol are former Umbar possessions, just to give them a reason to fight. As if one were needed in a wargames campaign...!